Thursday, April 14, 2011

Due Dates that Parents Should be Mindful of.....

Hello all,

As a reminder, all AIMS week and Monday and Tuesday of next week are work days in class. The students are continuing their projects that they previously started during class time, but no new content is being delivered and no direct instruction is being done this week.

The kids have been working on their documentaries for a few weeks now (and have had almost 20 hours of work time IN-CLASS, so if you are hearing whining, you can be assured that you child has not been using their class time appropriately). The due date is Friday the 22nd.

Ask your child if they have been reading All Quiet on the Western Front. It is to be read by Wednesday the 20th. Many students received copies and have been reading it when they are done with AIMS, but some students do not have a book because we cycle them through. If you student needs more time to read, then NOW is a good time to pick them up their own copy.

Their animated stories..."One day Miss Bailin and Miss Leland went for a drive...." are due on Wednesday the 20th. These are based on the work we have been doing with 8th grade on their EGG projects. You may ask your students about it. :) The 8th graders are making a MythBusters-esque inspired project and we are making a little narrative (YAY for narrative writing) into an animated story about Miss Bailin and Miss Leland's adventured in the golf cart. :) You can also ask your child about that....especially if your child is in BLOCK I>

Your final showcase is due in May and the kids have been working on it since we got back from break. This piece has no guidelines, but will serve as their technological prize piece. There are no check points for this and they are not to share their ideas with classmates. I am not even to know. They are graded on the digitally narrated product rubric that we have used all second quarter.

Progress grades and deficiency reports will be done and going home/emailed on Tuesday the 19th, so any missing work will be entered as a zero over the weekend. The students will not have extensions to turn in missing products. Also remember that their products are worth 80% of their grade in 4th quarter, so they can't afford to blow any of them off. GAME TIME!

As a side note, our curriculum does not slow down after AIMS. Some people, none of us, have this delusion, I mean idea, that after AIMS we stop teaching. We are still in school and learning until the last day. True story. I hope everyone is aware of this, as we are a specialized program and maintain our high standards. We have a lot of fun, but special requests for modifying projects and due dates and not doing as many intense simulations during the day will not be granted. We are going to have fun :), but learning will be taking place every day.

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