Wednesday, April 27, 2011

It is like a ZOO in here...

4/26 had an always fun event....lizard catching. We are thinking of making it the past time of the DLC. While the kids were working, a cute lizard made its way into our world. Miss Leland started to capture the little creature, so that we could put it back into its habitat (the kids wanted to keep it as a class pet, but that wasn't happening). While she was trying to capture our little friend, it detached its tail and a fun spash of blood emerged and the tail kept wagging while detached from the body. :) Once was captured it in a jar, our little friend was released in the garden. We wish it well. There's never a dull moment in the DLC.

Pic 1 - The detached tail.
Pic 2 - The cute stomach and feet of our non-furry friend.
Pic 3 & 4 - a closeup look of our little buddy.

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